Annual Accessibility Plan
Atikokan General Hospital ServicesAnnual Accessibility Plan For the Atikokan General Hospital
January 2018 – December 2019
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Annual Accessibility Plan
for the Atikokan General Hospital
January 2015 – January 2016
Submitted to
September 2004 (Original)
Sept/05; Sept/06; Sept/07; Sept/08; Sept/09; Oct/10; Mar/12 (R); Nov/13(R); Jan/14(R) Dec/15(R)
Prepared by Accessibility Working Group
Pauline Ratelle
Occupational Therapist
Ruth Sportak
Environmental Services
Table of Contents
- Aim
- Objectives
- Description of Atikokan General Hospital
- The Accessibility Working Group
- Hospital commitment to accessible planning
- Recent barrier-removal initiatives
- Barrier-identification methods
- Barriers identified
- Barriers that will be addressed in 2010-11
- Review and monitoring process
- Communication of the plan
This plan describes (1) the measures that the Atikokan General Hospital has taken in the past, and (2) the measures that the Atikokan General Hospital will take during the next year (2014) to identify, remove and prevent barriers to persons with disabilities who live, work in or use the hospital, including clients and their family members, staff, health care practitioners, volunteers and members of the community.
This plan:
- Describes the process by which the Atikokan General Hospital will identify, remove and prevent barriers to persons with disabilities.
- Review efforts that the Atikokan General Hospital has taken to remove and prevent barriers to persons with disabilities over the recent past.
- List the policies, programs, practice and services that the Atikokan General Hospital will review in the coming year to identify barriers to persons with disabilities.
- Describe the measures the Atikokan General Hospital will take in the coming year to identify, remove and prevent barriers to persons with disabilities.
- Describes how the Atikokan General Hospital will make this accessibility plan available to the public.
The Atikokan General Hospital was constructed in 1974 and the extended care wing added in 1984. This 41-bed hospital services over 5,000 people and employs 100. Community counselling services are off-site in rented office space owned by the municipality. A renovated house that accommodates 4 full-time people for a Mental Health Homelessness Initiative project is owned by the hospital.
Atikokan General Hospital is dedicated to excellence in compassionate and supportive healthcare for all those we serve.
A community providing healthcare closer to home.
Our values are
- Dignity
- Integrity
- Hospitality
- Creativity
- Learning and Growth
- Compassion
Establishment of the Accessibility Working Group
Past CEO Kelly Isfan formally constituted the Accessibility Working Group in late August 2003. Present CEO Doug Moynihan authorized the Working Group to:
- Review and list by-laws, policies, programs, practices and services that cause or may cause barriers to people with disabilities;
- Identify barriers that will be removed or prevented in the coming year;
- Describe how these barriers will be removed or prevented in the coming year; and
- Prepare a plan on these activities, and after its approval by the CEO, make the plan available to the public.
The CEO appointed Pauline Ratelle and ?? as the Coordinators of the Accessibility Working Group.
Amanda Dickson has served as Director of Occupational Therapy at the Atikokan General Hospital since 2003. She also has a broad knowledge of disability issues gained through her past experience as an Occupational Therapist.
Ruth Sportak has worked in the hospital setting since 1996 and has valuable ideas regarding the physical building and procedures within the hospital.
Members of the Accessibility Working Group
Pauline Ratelle
Rehab / Occupational Therapy
Ruth Sportak
Environmental Services
Volunteer Patient #1
Volunteer Patient #2
When the Accessibility Group was first formed in 2004, a 70-year-old male patient with partial quadriplegia and limited hand strength who used powered mobility was a member of the group and gave input to the plan.
In 2015 Pauline Ratelle, Occupational Therapist, toured the building with two individuals using assistive devices to identify barriers.
Results and Comments from the Tour
Hospital Commitment to Accessibility Planning
The Atikokan General Hospital is committed to:
- The continual improvement of access to facilities, policies, programs, practices and service for patients and their family members, staff, health care practitioners, volunteers and members of the community;
- The participation of people with disabilities in the development and review of its annual accessibility plans;
- Ensuring hospital by-laws and policies are consistent with the principals of accessibility; and
- The establishment of an ‘Accessibility Working Group’ at the hospital.
Recent Barrier – Removal Initiatives
The keypad on the electric exit door in Extended Care was replaced with more visible numbers.
The Zone Map (Fire Plan) was updated to include not only colour but written zone indicators as colour-blind persons had difficulty.
The pavement at entrances to the hospital and ECW has been re-surfaced as the asphalt and concrete made entry difficult due to uneven surfaces.
Need a second handrail in #1 stairwell – completed by Maintenance Department.
The main and Extended Care entrances to the hospital are not clearly marked. It was suggested that clear signage be installed. Signs were ordered and installed.
Some residents in support house reported difficulties opening bedroom doors. Maintenance changed door handles to lever handles.
Signage in Emergency was not in French or Ojibway. Signage was installed at ER entry.
- Review of complaints received from staff
The inside electric doors are sometimes shut off making it extremely difficult to open. (Door spring too tight)Maintenance has worked on this and has resolved the issue. Door openers and frames have been changed to meet accessibility standards. It is difficult for staff to communicate with non- English speaking people.A list of translators will be revised each year and posted at all nursing stations – to include sign language.Some furniture brought into the hospital is not totally accessible to users.
Language was added to the existing Furniture and Equipment Policy # 07-01 that will allow appropriate furniture for that resident or client.
The inside electric doors are sometimes shut off making it extremely difficult to open: key pad and mag lock installed.
- Suggestions received from visitors
No bright color distinction on stairs for those that are visually impaired: Alternate access – use elevators.Meet new legislation on Accessibility Customer Service – Policies and procedures created to meet the new standards.Sink tap handles change from knob to wing format. Done - Planning Committees
Patient telephones have regular sized number pads and limited volume control. – Purchased telephone with large sized numbers on pad and wide range volume control and hearing aid compatible.Main entrance outside door is very heavy and difficult for wheelchair users to open: New electric doors have been installed.Several hospital policies could have more direction to accessibility included in the wording.New legislation regarding Accessibility Customer Service came into effect on January 1 2010: Policies, procedures, training and best practice requirements have been completed to reflect this legislation.The public telephone in the lobby is not easily accessible – Individuals may use ECW or Active phone.
Information to the public is not available in multiple formats
Policy listing available formats was created.
Change door handles from knob to wing format. Format changed.
Hand sanitizers too high for some people to reach. Units were lowered.
Fire alarm – no warning for the hearing impaired. Flashing lights installed.
- Elevator Controls
Elevator controls too high; no emergency phone; numbers not in Braille. – 2010-2011 upgrade meets current code
Barrier-identification methodologies
Barriers Identified
Type of Barrier
Description of Barrier
Strategy for its removal/prevention
Barriers that will be addressed in 2014
Means to remove
Review and monitor process
The Accessibility Working Group met with CEO Doug Moynihan in December 2013 and the 2014 plan was accepted as presented.